Our Services

Unwind Your Mind, Strengthen Your Body

Discover Our Holistic Wellness Services: Elevate Your Journey with Yoga, Meditation, Hypnotic Therapy, and Personalized Dietary Plans for a Vibrant and Balanced Life.


Personalized yoga for all levels, fostering strength and serenity


Guided sessions cultivating mindfulness, reducing stress, and enhancing well-being.

Hypnotic therapy

Unlock the mind's power for profound relaxation and positive changes.


Personalized nutrition for a healthy life, preventing lifestyle diseases effectively.

About us

Health and Harmony

Welcome to Health and Harmony, your sanctuary for holistic well-being. We offer expert-led yoga for all levels, recorded/live sessions, meditation, hypnotic therapy, and personalized dietary plans for a healthier, balanced life.

Harmony lies in the balance of mind, body, and spirit—cultivate it with yoga, meditation, and mindful nourishment.